
Yoga is a science, suitable for anyone who wants to achieve a balance between body, mind and spirit, to bring out all the best qualities and potentialities inherent in everyone and adapts to each individual, respecting their personality, culture and religion. The term yoga derives from the root “Yuj”, to bind, to unite, which means “Samadhi”, which indicates the state of absolute awareness, an essential requirement that leads to the integration of the personality. The word yoga is usually translated as “union”, essentially means integration of the personality at all levels: physical, mental, social, intellectual and spiritual. 

In the current language with “yoga” we mean most of the time a varied set of activities that often have little to do with traditional yoga, activities that include gymnastics of the body and breathing, psychophysical disciplines aimed at meditation or relaxation, mixed techniques that would unite the yoga with distant traditions. Yoga is a path that gradually becomes more and more totalizing, not something that you can refer to with expressions such as “do some yoga”.

“Yoga is to be known only through yoga. Yoga is the master of yoga. The power of yoga is manifested only through yoga.”

Erroneously it is considered a set of physical exercises. It should be known, however, that it bases its practice on maintained positions, unlike exercise, which is movement, dynamism. In addition, the yoga positions are governed by proper breathing and a mind directed to internal observation, which will become concentration with the practice, yoga is meditation in motion.

When you practice yoga you stimulate the energy centers, which act at the mental level, awakening in the person emotions and states of awareness related to the characteristics of the energy center in which they occur.

All the techniques that are part of yoga (asana, mudra, pranayama, etc..) also work on an energetic level, with the aim of bringing balance and harmony in every “sphere of our existence.

The practice of yoga for N.A.M. – stimulating the hidden keys of each person – awakens that awareness of emotions, revealing us for who we are … which is then the primary way to give life to change.

Ashtanga Yoga 

Ashtanga Yoga is an ancient discipline characterized by a series of postures linked together by a particular breathing.

It is a remarkably dynamic Yoga, which allows to relieve tensions and accumulated stress. If practiced regularly, it transforms the body, making it strong and flexible, and the mind, which becomes calmer, clearer and more balanced. It improves the state of health, facilitates the resolution of the most common physical problems and prevents disease. 

Through a work of constant attention to the breath, movements and perceptions of the body and the fluctuations of the mind, the practice of Ashtanga increases self-awareness, learning to observe their reactions without judgment, accepting the impermanence of each feeling. Rediscovering one’s physical potential while confronting one’s weaknesses, the practitioner slowly regains new confidence in himself and in his own possibilities.